Monday, September 21, 2009

Thai Red Coconut Curry Chicken With Pea Pods

- 1/4 cup peanut oil
- 2 lbs. chicken cubes (preferably thigh meat)
- 2 cups julienned pea pods
- 1 cups red bell peppers
- 1/2 jar SUZANNE™ Thai Red Curry Simmer Sauce
- 1 14-ounce can unsweetened coconut milk
- Jasmine Rice, prepared per package instructions

Sauté chicken in oil until browned on all sides. Add pea pods and sauté until just tender. Add Thai Red Curry Simmer Sauce, bell peppers and coconut milk and bring to a boil. Reduce heat; simmer for about 10 minutes, until chicken is cooked through and sauce has slightly thickened. Serve over warm Jasmine Rice.

Suzanne Somers Weight Loss Plan: Omit coconut milk and rice for Level One Pro/Fats and Veggies. Serve over brown rice for Level Two.

Thai Red Coconut Curry Chicken With Pea PodsSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Youngevity Home Business Opportunity

6 Reasons why I Chose the Youngevity Home Based Business

1. Company Youngevity is a Network Marketing company located in Chula Vista, California, USA. Since 1991 Youngevity has been providing innovative health products to satisfied customers. Founder Dr Joel Wallach's vision is to bring accurate and timely health information to the world by bringing customers their finest array of technologically advanced essential and beneficial nutritional products. It is the only Network Marketing Company to have received an authorised health claim through the FDA for cancer reduction benefits.

2. Cost To Join The Company You can join the company for free as a preferred customer and buy the products... but I highly recommend joining as an associate which only costs $10 (one time members fee) you not only get wholesale pricing on 1000's of produucts, you get your own website and can build a business and enjoy all of the benefits of the compensation plan.

3. Products The products include Personal care and nutrition, household and petcare products. These products are leading edge and in these climates of wellbeing and healthy lifestyles should be a sound structure for your business. Some of our top product lines include the Suzanne Somers Collection with Suzanne's hand-selected products in Beauty, Food, Fashion, Fitness, and Jewelry that are so GREAT, they literally sell themselves. Tru Chocolate offers popular Dark Chocolate, New Mint Chocolate, and Liquid Chocolate to help people lose weight and provides better health. Isola Luce Candles... a healthier candle which offers gourmet scents, mineral makeup line, and much more!

4. The Opportunity You can sell the products through various means. Our Team training will help you with this. You could market the products online if you set up your own website. Youngevity Online could get you started. They offer tools and support all included in your $10 membership. You can also promote the business and help other people start their own home business and build you own team.

5. Compensation Plan The compensation plan is quite detailed and one of the best in the industry. It's set up to help those starting out earn a steady income and achieve higher levels without going broke getting there on expensive autoships and more. It's so advanced that many are people achieving 6 and 7 figure incomes. Our team will discuss the comp plan in more detail if you desire.

6. Training There are various training through our team and through Youngevity. However you choose to market your business, we have someone that can help you get off to a great start. You will need to be able to MARKET your products somehow. In the age of internet online marketing, you could make you a fortune and online marketing is great, but perhaps you don't want to do online marketing. You could sell face to face and enjoy the experience of doing home parties and shows. We have training for both online and offline marketing strategies.

Youngevity is a good sound ethical business opportunity with quality nutritional products and a good compensation plan. If you are considering a business which you can operate from home and be excited about the 1000's of superior health products we offer, we look forward to meeting you and seeing if this is a fit for you. Don't worry, we are NOT going to try and convince you to join... this is your decision and if you decide to work with us, we will be here to help you every step of the way. We are real people with real phone numbers who are having tremendous success with Youngevity and we want to share everything we know about the amazing products and offer you all the business advise we can.

To Learn More about Youngevity or to Join... visit: or Contact:

Scott OBrien
office: 716-537-2526
skype: AskScottOBrien

Youngevity Home Business OpportunitySocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Friday, September 18, 2009

NEW - Beyond Tangy Tangerine Multi-Vitamin Mineral Complex

NEW - Beyond Tangy Tangerine Multi-Vitamin Mineral ComplexSocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Swine Flu Have YOU Scared?

Swine Flu Scare:

Besides hand washing (like Antibacterial Foam Item #: PW100774 from Youngevity which Softens and conditions the skin while providing hours of lasting protection against bacteria and harmful germs that cause illness) and boarding a rocket to the moon... what else can YOU DO?

Build up your immune system with Super Antioxidants. The best on the market is PROJOBA POLBAX from Youngevity - Item #: PJ302

Projoba Polbax is a powerful blend of nourishing flower pollen extracts combined with botanical SOD (superoxide dismutase), one of the most powerful antioxidants known to man.

Take care of your body. Countless individuals are just like me seeing benefit with improved health, immune system, and over all well being! Want the best way to fight the SWINE FLU? Use Youngevity Products!

Join Youngevity Today... it's only $10 to become a member and you will be introduced to 1000's of products to help improve your health and build your immune system... not just pills and lotions, but exciting products like Tru Chocolate, the Suzanne Somers line of Healthy Natural Foods and Supplements including her new Sip of Sunshine Lemonade and Youngevity's high Antioxidant Rebound Energy Drinks. Clean your house safely with our green living stamp of approval, and even products for your dog.

Take Care of YOUR Body!

Scott OBrien
phone: 716-537-2526
skype: AskScottOBrien

PS: Read this recent report from The Heritage Foundation:

Yesterday, we published an important paper on what Americans need to know about the Swine Flu. The study mentioned how the availability of vaccines will affect the spread of the disease. Vaccines are made up of dead or weakened viruses. They stimulate the body’s immune system to fight off the disease. Since viruses can mutate from year, flu vaccines have to be crafted each year to deal with the disease. Initially, developers thought a vaccine for swine flu would require two shots, twelve weeks apart. Since most don’t expect vaccines to be ready till October, it would be late February (after the flu season peaks) before people had any protection.

Now there is news today that there may be a vaccine that works after one dose and provides full protection in a few weeks. Still, vaccines may not be the full answer to swine flu this year. First, the vaccines have to be approved for use. Second, there is the question of how much will be available and when it will be available. Third, while initial trails show these vaccines are fine for healthy adults, further testing is required to ensure they are safe people with less robust immune systems like children, pregnant women, and folks suffering from illnesses or medical conditions that depress the immune system.

So here is what people should do. Definitely, get the seasonal flu vaccine. When the swine flu vaccine becomes available follow the guidelines set out by public health officials on who should get vaccinated and when.

Most important, adopt the behaviors that keep flu from spreading. Commons sense things like frequently and thoroughly washing hands….and staying home if you are sick. The CDC has some great important suggestions to follow. If you are an employer also give some thought to what you are going to do if you have more the usual number of employees, service providers, and customers out sick. The Chamber of Commerce offers some practical ideas.

The greatest enemies during this flu season are fear, ignorance, and panic. Defeating them requires just a little preparation and a strong dose of common sense.

Swine Flu Have YOU Scared?SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Selenium may lower skin cancer risk...

Selenium may lower skin cancer risk

Higher blood levels of Selenium may reduce the incidence of skin cancer by about 60 per cent, according to a new study from Dutch and Australian researchers.

Writing in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, the researchers report that the mineral was associated with reduced risks of both basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. In the US, over 1.5 million people are diagnosed with skin cancer very year. According to Cancer Research UK, a charity, over 76,000 cases of skin cancer were documented in 2005 but this is thought to under represent the problem.

“Relatively high serum Selenium levels of between 1.3 and 2.8 micromoles per liter were associated with approximately 60 decrease in subsequent tumor incidence of both BCC and SCC,” wrote the researchers.

Selenium is the Only Mineral that qualifies for an FDA Authorized Health Claim for General Cancer Reduction. (This Claim was sought by Dr. Joel Wallach BS., D.V.M., N.D.

Selenium is one of the most documented and widely studied trace elements known. Numerous studies have shown its importance to the body.

Selenium may lower skin cancer risk...SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Health Benefits of Probiotics

What Are Probiotics?

Repeatedly demonstrated to aid gastrointestinal health in the human body, acidophilus and other probiotics are key elements of our overall health and well being. This is particularly true when we consider that many of our common-day chronic ailments begin in the digestive system. It is also true when we consider the sheer number of people that suffer from poor gastrointestinal health, a condition which lowers the overall level of good bacteria in the body.

Before we go into the multi-fold benefits of taking probiotics, let’s define what probiotics are. The Joint FAO/WHO Working Group defines probiotics as “live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host.”

In plain English, probiotics are a type of living bacteria that actually benefit your health when taken in the appropriate amounts. This friendly bacteria, located in the gastrointestinal tract, comes in a variety of forms. With more than 400 different bacteria living in the human gastrointestinal tract, the most common forms of intestinal probiotics are L. acidophilus and Bifidobacteria bifidum.

These bacteria act as balancing agents for non-friendly, pathogenic, gut-bacteria such as Candida or E. coli. When the “good-guys” are not present enough, a number of bacteria-related health problems such as digestive upset, headaches, sluggishness, irritability, cadidiasis (an overgrowth of the bacteria Candida albicans), and even anxiety can ensue.

Lactobacillus acidophilus is, quite possibly, the strongest of our probiotic fighters. Studies show that L. acidophilus actually creates a natural form of antibiotics in the body. This natural antibiotic increases our ability to produce antimicrobial action against the pathogens in the food we eat, the air we breath, and the things we come in contact with. Stress, unhealthy lifestyles, and most importantly, unhealthy acidic diets, destroy our natural amounts of probiotics. In this sense, it is a great idea to add a probiotic supplement to your diet.

The Health Benefits of Probiotics:

The following health benefits are associated with the intake of daily doses of probiotics.

  • Enhanced immune system response

  • Reduces negative affects of taking many types of antibiotics

  • Aids in preventing and treating colon inflammation following surgery

  • Helps to prevent eczema in youth

  • Increased ability to digest food

  • Therapeutic for viral respiratory tract infections by enhancing the overall immune system

  • Reduces lactose intolerance

  • Reduces incidence of yeast infection, vaginitis and candidiasis

  • Increases ability to assimilate the nutrients from food

  • Alleviates many common digestive disorders such as constipation, diarrhea and IBS

  • Acts as a treatment for halitosis (bad breath) Increases ability to synthesize vitamin B

  • Increases ability to absorb calcium

  • Promotes anti-tumor and anti-cancer activity in the body

Who Should Take Probiotics?

There is no question that candiasis sufferers require supplemental use of probiotics to replenish beneficial GI bacteria and rebuild the immune system. Even if you don’t have candidiasis, environmental and food toxins, coupled with the high-stress lifestyle of most North Americans, are good indicators of the widespread need for probiotics.

This is especially true if you are consistently taking antibiotics, or if you have ever been on a course of particularly strong antibiotics, have frequent colds, or exhibit any symptoms of candida related problems. The reason for this is that antibiotics kill bacteria both good and bad. Despite their value, antibiotics have been overused to the point that there are at least two bacteria that have developed complete resistance to antibiotics. Needless to say, these bacteria present a serious problem to our health.

Studies on Probiotics

Studies show that probiotics improve the bio-availability of many important nutrients in the body such as zinc, iron, phosphorus, all of the B vitamins, calcium, copper, and magnesium.

A study on the probiotic strain B. infantis showed powerful abilites to normalize bowel function in patients suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

Clinical trials from the Mayo Clinic on probiotics showed improvements in patients suffering from bloating.

Probiotics have been shown to significantly lower the rate of diarrhea and diaper rash in babies’ consuming infant probiotics.

Active bacteria cultures, such as acidophilus, have been shown to aid in reducing intolerance to lactose found in dairy products.

Several studies on probiotics have indicated that through the process of regulating intestinal transit time of fecal matter, probiotics can dramatically reduce constipation in the elderly.

Other reports indicate that some forms of probiotics, can aid in promoting the growth of healthy bacteria in the colon, significantly lowering the conversion of bile in the colon into carcinogens.

Some studies demonstrate that probiotics enhance overall immunity through a process of regulating lymphocytes and antibodies in the body.

Where Can I Buy High-Quality Probiotics?

Currently, I recommend and use 2 forms of probiotics. LateroFlora which is the B.O.D. Bacillus Laterosporus strain and Dr. Mercolas Bacillus Coagulans strain. I have tested many products and these seem to work the best, especially for taming candida and balancing the bowel bacteria.

CLICK HERE for Probiotics Capsules

Be sure to avoid probiotic supplements that have sugar or glucose in the ingredient list. Both sugar and glucose actually slow the growth of healthy lactobacilli. We can also get moderate levels of probiotics from a healthy diet rich in cultured organic products like yogurt, goat’s cheese, kefir and buttermilk.

Many common leafy greens are also excellent sources of probiotics. The best greens for increasing probiotics include chlorella, wheat grass, and spirulina. The advantage of getting these disease-fighting bacteria from green sources is that these foods are also extremely high in immune system-stimulating vitamins, minerals and nutrients. They also aid in detoxing the body.

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